The festive season may seem a long way away but it is never too soon to start planning a Christmas scheme for your business. If you are a business or venue unsure whether decorating is right for you, our creative team has put together a list of reasons why that answer should be a solid yes, and also the benefits of bringing in our professional stylists to design and install for you.
Increased visibility
The first and most obvious reason to decorate your venue or business for the Christmas season is visibility. From decorations and trees to lighting and product displays it’s the time of year to speak up and get noticed. For retail businesses, a striking window display that continues to a cohesive store scheme will draw in customers and help increase festive foot traffic. And for hospitality-situated businesses creating a destination that’s full of seasonal style will attract extra visitors and set the scene for celebrations.

Emphasise your brand
A creative and thoughtful design that takes into consideration your brand both visually in its colour scheme and aesthetic as well as ethos and values is essential to communicating a cohesive and consistent message to your customers. Brands that want to portray a modern and sophisticated message might require a more paired-back scheme focussing on lighting and the use of new or unusual materials, where as a traditional and historic venue may consider a more opulent and detailed scheme that is more nostalgic in nature. Regardless of the nature and style of your business, a well-designed Christmas installation will enhance your brand's identity, ensure you stand out and inspire your customers.
Get people talking
Social media continues to be an essential marketing tool and Christmas is a great opportunity to use this to your advantage. An impressive or inspiring display will generate greater attention online, especially for displays that encourage people to take their own photo’s to share and tag on their socials.

Atmosphere for staff and customers
Creating a welcoming and cheerful atmosphere doesn’t just benefit your customers and your marketing, but you and your staff too. Happy and inspired employees will give a greater level of customer service and create an overall enhanced customer experience!
To chat to one of our expert team on how we can help bring Christmas to your business or space get in touch here or email us at hell@hallandcoeventdesign.co.uk. Also check out our Pinterest for all the seasonal inspiration!